
Tuesday, 26 April 2011

TEG event at the British Museum

Touring Exhibition Group (TEG) had their recent annual event at the British Museum. I was there to capture the atmosphere.

Sunday, 24 April 2011

Puerto Camacho, Bolivia

Puerto Camacho is a poor community located on the outskirts of El Alto, Bolivia. The charity, Food for the Hungry, are running a life changing project which aims to beat poverty in one generation. By focussing on 100 children from the community, they are teaching them life skills and values to enable them to believe in themselves and empower them to change their future. Here are some of the people and places I had the privilege to encounter.

Click here for more information about this project.

ASK Restaurant

ASK Restaurants are having a makeover and I've been photographing for the architects Gundry & Ducker Ltd who are behind the new design.